HLAA Chicagoland Chapter Meeting: August 2020

3rd HLAA Chicagoland Captioned Zoom Meeting When: Saturday, August 15, 2020 Time: 2 pm-3 pm CST Place: Zoom Speaker: Dogs on the GO How to register: email us at [email protected] by Saturday at 12:30 pm. Please register using the email you want to use. We will send you zoom registration link to email address you...

Chicago Walk4Hearing Online Celebration

Chicago Walk4Hearing Online Celebration Let’s stay connected and celebrate our Walk4Hearing community! Join us on Walk Day to show support for people with hearing loss and connect with fellow walkers and new friends. There will be special guests, chances to win prizes, and the opportunity to share stories. After the online celebration, participants are encouraged...

MED-EL Midwest Virtual Meetup

WHEN: Thursday, Octoberber 22, 2020 TIME: 6:00-7:00 pm CST WHERE: Online via Zoom Event URL Are you a cochlear implant candidate or a MED-EL recipient wanting to learn more about our technology? Join our VIRTUAL Meet-Up to learn more! This virtual meeting will include a presentation and Q&A with your MED-EL Representative. We’ll answer your...